Center Stage Jackson
Why Sponsor?
Sponsors help cover the costs of production, such as royalties, scripts, costumes, sets, props, theatre rental, and more! The offset of these basic expenses creates more opportunities for youth and adults in the community to experience the performing arts, higher quality productions, and events tailored to community interests and needs.
Sponsoring in 2023-24
We are currently looking for named sponsors for upcoming productions. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, please contact us at admin@centerstagejackson.org.
Sponsor Levels
Gold: $3,000
- Inside front cover graphic space in the next five production programs (8″ tall by 5″ wide)
- 8 complementary tickets to any production
- On stage or curtain signage in production of choice, as appropriate
- Listed in Sponsor Thank You section of next five production programs
Silver: $1,500
- Full page graphic space in the next five production programs (8″ tall by 5″ wide)
- 6 complementary tickets to any production
- Listed in Sponsor Thank You section of next five production programs
Bronze: $500
- Half page graphic space in the next five production programs (4″ tall by 5″ wide)
- 4 complementary tickets to any production
- Listed in Sponsor Thank You section of next five production programs
Featured: $250
- Quarter page graphic space in the next five production programs (2″ tall by 5″ wide)
- Listed in Sponsor Thank You section of next five production programs
Friend of CSJ: $150
- Listed in Sponsor Thank You section of next five production programs
Program Graphic Information
The program graphic space that comes with most sponsor levels will be featured in the next five Main Stage and Youth Theater programs. This amounts to over 4,000 programs in hands over a one year period!
Sponsors have the option to change their ad graphic for each production program to correspond with the time of year the graphic will be seen, the production’s target demographic, or any events or promotions they may want to notify audiences of. Of course, we always appreciate a shout out to the arts, too!
Don’t have a graphic ready? We will help you create one that fits your needs!
See below for information on our next five Main Stage and Youth Theater productions. The New Sponsor Deadline indicates the date by which we need to receive payment and graphic in order to start running your graphic in that production’s program.
Graphic Specifications
- File format: PDF, PNG, or JPG
- Color: All graphics should be in greyscale.
Graphics for the Underwriter Sponsor Level should be received in both color and greyscale, as some program covers are printed in color. - Resolution: 300 dpi recommended
- Bleed: Not any
- Send to: Graphics or graphics questions should be sent to admin@centerstagejackson.org.
Interested in sponsoring? Contact the Administrative Director at admin@centerstagejackson.org.
Payment can be sent to:
Center Stage Jackson
PO Box 822
Jackson, MI 49204
Graphics can be sent digitally to admin@centerstagejackson.org.
Center Stage Jackson is a 501(c)3 federally tax-exempt Michigan nonprofit organization.